
Karlsson, E. C. M. Bickford, D. P. Imbun, P. Chisholm, R. Beta-diversity in the amphibian community on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo, indicate a shift in driver over the last 80 years. (In prep).

Karlsson, E. C. M. Chisholm, R. Sheridan, J. A. Karraker, N. Lakim, M. Das, I. Imbun, P.  L. H. Bickford, Altitudinal shift of amphibian species over 80 years on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. (In prep).

Karlsson, E. C. M.  Imbun, P. Bickford, D. Monitoring using open-source hardware: simultaneous acoustic and abiotic environmental variable recording indicate a non-general response of amphibian calling intensity between species Kinabalu Park, Malaysia. (In review).

Karlsson, E. C. M. Bickford, D. Imbun, P. The effect of habitat variables on occupancy of Ansonia platysoma on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. (In  Review).

Karlsson, E. C. M. Mitchell, A. E. Imbun, P. Bickford, D. P., 2018. Kalophrynus baluensis (Kinabalu Sticky Frog). Reproduction and vocal description. Herpetological Review, 49 (1), pp.96-97.

Hawkins, D. Gallacher, E.* Gammell, M., 2013. Statistical power, effect size and animal welfare: recommendations for good practice. Animal Welfare. 22, pp. 339-344.

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